don't waste your time looking all over the place for where JavaScript is supposed to be
and whether it's enabled or not. I can tell you with certainty that your JavaScript is "on",
otherwise you wouldn't even be able to see Yahoo!Answers.
And don't bother trying to download and reinstall the "latest Flash" over and over again.
You will get absolutely nowhere doing that because that's really adding to the problem.
There can really be only 3 possibilities:
→ something's wrong with YouTube
→ something's wrong with your cache
→ something's wrong with Flash 10
Your problem might fix itself in a few hours, or the next day,
because YouTube actually shuts down a lot of their servers
every day without telling anybody, in order to update things.
On those occasions, it's really YouTube's transmissions of
"JavaScript" and "Flash" which are poor, not your reception
of it. This in turn creates "time-out" or "run-time" errors that
give that message. Hit "F5", click "Refresh", or click "Back"
and then "Forward".
If the next day YouTube is still displaying that awful "JS/FP"
message, maybe your "temporary internet files" and cache
memory are full, and can't take anymore. The result: videos
can't even buffer.
"Temporary internet files" are 1000s of tiny bits of websites
put on your hard-drive. They'll stay there forever, and slowly
plug up your computer - (like hair slowly clogs a sink drain)
until you get rid of them. Otherwise, one day your YouTube
will suddenly be "stuck".
Because your computer now has such little space in which
to "cache" a video, YouTube will mistakenly think that your
Java Script "run-time environment" or "buffer overflow" is off,
or that your player is older than "FLASH 7".
The solution to all that is to exit YouTube (but not your web
browser), then clear your "cache" of all its "TIFs", "cookies"
and "history". (See below.) After that, shutdown and reboot.
Watching YouTube vids hasn't changed in the past 2 years.
(Believe it or not, you can still use "Flash 8" if you'd like to).
The newer Flash players are giving many YouTubers plenty
of grief, especially the 8 versions of Flash 10.
It's absolutely nuts that there's 10.0.525, 10.1.218, 10.2.26,
10.2.54, 10.12.10, 10.12.36, 10.15.3 and 10.22.87. Usually
most updates are good for only 1 thing:...Software conflicts.
I've never strayed away from 9.47, and many "flashers" use
9.45 still. Think of them as Windows XP compared to Vista.
Look at what the Asker said after this Best Answer of mine:
If that seems interesting to you, here is the appropriate link:
Note 1: if you've got an "Accelerator", dump it, burn it, rip it,
kick it, trash it, disable it, uninstall it...get as far away from
it as possible. There are some "Ad Block" and "Messenger"
programs that also conflict with YouTube.
Note 2: some longer videos may need "Shockwave" to play
Note 3: a very odd fix that once worked for me was altering
the URL from "www.youtube.com" to simply "youtube.com".
Note 4: if you downloaded Flash, did you actually install it?
If you have Firefox or IE 8, did you enable all their add-ons?
Internet Explorer 6:
→ Tools → Internet Options
→ Delete Cookies → OK
→ Delete Files → OK
→ Clear History → Yes
→ OK
Internet Explorer 7:
→ Tools → Internet Options → Delete...
→ Delete files → Yes
→ Delete cookies → OK
→ Delete history → OK
→ Close (browsing history window)
→ OK
Internet Explorer 8:
→ Tools → Delete Browsing History
[. ] Preserve Favorites (leave blank)
[x] Temporary Internet files
[x] Cookies
[x] History
→ Delete
Mozilla Firefox 3:
→ Tools → Clear Private Data
[x] Browsing History
[x] Download History
[x] Saved Form and Search History
[x] Cache
[x] Cookies
→ Clear Private Data Now
Mozilla Firefox 3.5:
→ Tools → Clear Recent History
Time range to clear: → Everything
▼ Details
[x] Browsing & Download History
[x] Saved Form and Search History
[x] Cookies
[x] Cache
→ Clear Now
Apple Safari 3:
→ Edit → Preferences
→ Security (tab) → Show Cookies
→ Remove All → Done
after that:
→ Safari → Empty Cache → Empty
after that:
→ History → Clear History
Google Chrome:
→ Tools (wrench) → Clear browsing data...
[x] Clear browsing history
[x] Clear download history
[x] Empty the cache
[x] Delete cookies
Clear data from this period: → Everything
→ Clear Browsing Data