I'm not familiar with your particular problem, but it seems to
be getting pretty common. I see questions like yours nearly
every day now on Yahoo.
So I did a whole lot of searching and reading, going through
dozens and dozens of websites, only to find out that there's
nothing definitive out there.
The only semblance of a partial solution that kind of worked
for some people would require you to either 1: mess around
with your registry (which I would be totally deadset against),
or 2: downloading some weird utility (which I am even more
against, because that kind of stuff is what probably created
your problem in the first place).
Thus, let me recommend what I advise so many other folks
when YouTube gets slow, stuck or weird: clear your "cache"
of all "Temporary Internet Files". I'm also a big fan of wiping
out "Cookies" and "History". My "CHTIF triple-cure" seems
to resolve many people's problems, so maybe it will resolve
yours too. At the very minimum, you should at least do this:
Internet Explorer 6:
> Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files > Yes > OK
Internet Explorer 7:
> Tools > Internet Options > Delete...
> Delete Files > Yes > Close > OK
Mozilla Firefox 2:
> Tools > Clear Private Data > (x) Download History
> (x) Cache > Clear Private Data Now
If that doesn't do the trick, here are a few other suggestions:
-- If you have "Google Web Accelerator" or anything similar,
get rid of it immediately. GWA conflicts with YouTube.
-- Long videos require both "Flash" and "Shockwave" to play
properly. Shockwave includes Flash, but not vice versa.
-- Avoid inane add-ons, utilities, downloaders and converters.
There are several salespeople here on Yahoo! disguised as
"answerers" shilling for your dollars. If anyone suggests you
acquire something, please be aware that their "answer" has
probably nothing to do with your problem, and their solution
may be causing your problem. Besides, what kind of stupid
answer is:...[my paraphrase] "Although you cannot listen or
watch videos properly, get this downloader".
-- I don't know why this sometimes works, but the few times
I got stuck, I changed the URL from "www . youtube . com"
to just "youtube . com" (or you can try "ca . youtube . com").
If you do find the "cause" and the "cure", I would very much
appreciate it if you could email me, either by clicking on my
avatar or writing to me at "inukjuak90@yahoo.com".
I wish you good luck. I hope something in my answer does
the trick for you.