If YouTube is slow, stuck or weird, and people suggest that
you either change or install stuff....DON'T TOUCH A THING.
Please don’t mess with Java scripts, Flash players, firewall
settings, antivirus utilities, activeX controls, popup blockers
or different browsers -- and definitely stay away from any of
the software that disguised salespeople here on Yahoo are
trying to sucker you into buying.
None of those things will help you because I am pretty sure
your computer and YouTube were working fine before, right?
The first rule of thumb and ideal option should always try to
be: DON'T disable, erase, uninstall, switch, download, alter,
add, change or install anything. Matters will only get worse.
Several times each day, YouTube shuts down some of their
servers to update stuff. Be patient if YouTube is slow, stuck
or mangled. Transmissions from YouTube to your computer
are done in multiple tiny packets of data and flash at a time.
That's why sometimes you may get any of these scenarios:
bits and pieces of text/thumbnails in weird places; sluggish
loading/buffering; the spinning circle going on forever; or the
player being blank. This problem could fix itself within a few
hours, or by the next day.
If your YouTube continues to behave slow, stuck or strange,
it's very possible that your directories of "temporary internet
files" and RAM (often times called "cache") are brimming to
the maximum and just cannot take anymore, the end result
being any of the above or YouTube videos which A) grind to
a halt, B) start/stop/start/stop in a choppy way, or C) never
make it on your screen.
"Temporary internet files" are tiny bits of webpages that get
permanently put on your hard-drive. They will remain forever
on your computer, gradually plugging it up like hair stuck in
a sink drain, until you finally get rid of them -- or "clear your
cache" of "temporary internet files", "cookies" and "history".
If you're not sure how to clear your "cache", or if you would
like more "tips" on making YouTube run even better without
having to buy or install anything, please click on my avatar
and send send me a message -- ideally with your YouTube
channel or email address. I'll guide you step-by-step, using
plain English and with full explanations.
Note 1: if you have Google Web Accelerator (or something
similar to it), dump it, burn it, trash it, disable it, uninstall it;
-- do all that you can to get as far away from it as possible,
even though this contradicts all my advice. Not only does it
conflict with YouTube, simply clicking on "Don't Accelerate
This Website" will not help you whatsoever.
Note 2: longer videos only require "Flash" and "Shockwave"
in order to play smooth. Other than that, avoid all the sales
pitches that some Yahooers are shilling, because they are
really disguised salespeople and peddlers. Their "solutions"
have nothing to do with your question, and their wares may
actually worsen your problem. Besides, what kind of stupid
answer is:....[my paraphrase] "Although you can't watch or
access videos properly, buy our downloader."
Note 3: a peculiar fix that once worked for me was altering
the URL "www . youtube . com" to simply "youtube . com",
(or you can even try "ca . youtube . com").
Note 4: nothing about playing YouTube has changed in the
past year. If anything, the newer Flash players are causing
many YouTubers plenty of grief -- especially all 5 variations
of version 10. It's absolutely bonkers that there is 10.0.525,
10.1.218, 10.2.26, 10.2.54, and 10.12.36. Updates are only
good for one thing: software/computer conflicts. Myself, I've
never strayed away from 9.47, and many flashers swear by
9.45. Think of those two Flashes as XP, compared to Vista.
If videos are freezing up after barely 2 seconds, that's what
I call the "Firefox Blues" and the solution to that is another
famous "Best Answer" of mine, so click here:
> Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings
> uncheck "Automatically detect settings"
I hope that my information proves to be very helpful for you.