First, you need to know that Subscribers do make views. However, you do not need 1,000+ Subscribers for 1,000+ views.
For instance, I have 38 subscribers but my first video has almost 2,000 views and it has only been up for 7 days.
It goes like this, if you have 20 subscribers and you post a video they will be the first to see it. It will be on their YouTube homepage when they log on. When they watch it, if they like it, they like "like" it and they may favorite it and they may even post the link on their facebook/twitter.
Then all 300+ friends on facebook or 100 followers on twitter will see the link and probably click on it. If they click right off you still just got one more view.
Secondly, Social Networking is key to YouTube success. Once you have a bit of a viewer base and maybe around a consistent 500 views a video you need to make a Facebook "Like" page for your channel and a Twitter for connecting with fans.
A lot of people have facebook (around 600 Million+) therefor having a page that anyone can use with the simplicity of one click to join for free is great! If you have 100 fans on your facebook page and anytime you post a new video you make a post about it they will all see it the next time they refresh their news feed. If they enjoy it and have friends with common interests they will share it with them and so on and so forth. Another good thing about having a facebook page is that if for some reason you can not access your channel because you got shut down or hacked or whatever happened, you can tell your fans about it there.
Twitter is not as rewarding as facebook view/sub/fan wise but it is quick to update everyone who is following you and that is where a lot of YouTube higher ups chat.
Third on this little guide is that their is no shame in advertising your channel and videos.
If you are still pretty small on YouTube and not many people have heard of you, you need to make them hear of you. Go on a popular video that is similar to your genre of videos. (It is best if you go on a recently uploaded video) Here just comment saying "Hey if you like this video and its blah blah come over to my channel and check out my blah blah." Make the people who see your comment want to click on your channel. Now do not spam! There is a fine line between two or three comments and fifteen to twenty comments. Alright everyone, I have never shared this one secret with anyone and I am going to now. It is seriously a good advertising technique if you put a little bit of effort towards it. If you post a comment advertising your channel similar to the one above you need to thumb it up. Not just once, make four other accounts or maybe fifteen. Go to that video on all your accounts and thumb your comment up. It will be at the top of the videos comments after three likes or however many likes the previous top comment had. This is something that can get on peoples nerves so be discreet about it. I did it on my old account a lot and it really increased traffic to my channel. Especially if you are doing gaming videos and you do it on all of Machinimas 20 videos they post daily. Another way to advertise is go on a big YouTubers channel and leave ONE nice long comment about your channel and how people will like it and should check it out.
Fourth thing is video-bumping. This is seriously frowned upon in the YouTube community. But if you have a low amount of subscribers and you upload a video in the morning and it has had only 50 views from your 200 subscribers you should maybe bump it. I am not supporting video-bumping but it does work well. I do not have enough room to explain how to do it but if you want to know how you can message me on YouTube or just search a video on how to do it on YouTube. My link will be at the bottom of this question.
Fifth thing and last on THIS guide is to remember that a friend in need will always be a friend, indeed.
Add everyone to your friends list on YouTube. They will get notifications that you have uploaded on their homepage too. But help people in need out. If someone needs a background and you know how to make one... make them a background! If someone needs editing done and you are good at editing (Not you 10 year old with Windows Movie Maker) edit their video! When you finish doing whatever you are doing to help them ask them to shout you out! Ask them to post a annotation with a link to your channel in their video! That is a good way to get your channel going!
I put a bit of time into this so please subscribe and message me if I helped! Thanks!<3
I am going to be making comedy videos really soon every week. Probably multiple times a week!