I am addicted to Youtube?
2015-06-19 02:24:35 UTC
I am addicted to leaving troll comments and watching videos on YouTube I really want to stop. I want to grow up. This is driving me crazy. I want to do something that's worth my time. But it's really hard to just stop doing it, so please don't tell me to just don't go on youtube because it won't work. I need a bit of a help here... Ty.
119 answers:
2015-06-21 16:10:22 UTC
Nothing wrong with watching youtube videos and going on youtube daily, as long as you are doing other things with your life. It is understandable that it is addictive, probably because it is interactive. It is really a global community and digital culture that we have all decided to be a part of for different reasons. If you want to get off then ask yourself why you want to and why you were using it in the first place. Try reading a good novel or interacting with others outside if that is what you want.
2015-06-20 22:23:06 UTC
Trolling is addictive...especially in youtube where u get so much response 2 even ur most worthless comments. But think of doing creative work..not talking about editing and uploadin 2 youtube, but a career-centric thought which can propel u to the heights of fame and fortune in Real life not just in cyberlife's virtually-inflated bubble of fleeting colors. U know u r born 4 something great, u r never destined to waste away in a inglorious, commonplace manner. So u need 2 give priorities 2 ur real great tasks at hand e.g., education and job or writing and drawing etc whatevr suit ur situtaion. always rembr no1s gonna remember u for trolling on a site..u have to do something full of impact which can create lasting impressions on ppl s mind, which can leave a legacy for future generation . it doesnt matter if its small/medium /great. Be remembered, be great and be serious about ur aim in life..set a target and leave all other activites which dont help u 2 get there. It's tough but u ahve to start ur journey small step in the right direction can grow to a giant step sometimes later
2015-06-19 03:52:28 UTC
My problem is, is that I would much rather be doing something more productive on the computer but then... YouTube says "hey endless hours of free entertainment that you can completely control what you watch and it never feels like a waste of time" I have quite a few subscriptions so I make it a point to watch all my favorite YouTube channels' new videos every day and I can't seem to stop until iv'e run out of stuff to watch.
2015-06-23 17:50:53 UTC
Well, if I was in your position I would set a timer and cut some time each time you go on. Everyday you go on, limit your hours for when you're on Youtube. As the days go on, you should be able to get over watching Youtube more easily. I did this with a game I was addicted to and it helped a lot.

Try and get a new hobby that you may be interested into. Get outside of your house and get off of the computer. I realized as I went outside and did more things with my friends, I was able to not think of my addiction anymore. It was able to get me away from the computer.
2015-07-05 22:57:20 UTC
How to Perform a you tube Exorcism

things you will need a book light, magazines, news paper, and a good book

Step 1: get up in the morning go out get the paper head to the toilet read the paper for about an hour focus on the want adds because you probably need job anyway

Step 2: around lunch time while you're siting on the couch with your I pad on you tube put it down and pick up some of those magazines you got your feet propped up on see if there's something that interest you in it for more than 2 seconds

Step 3: While you are laying in bed at night instead watching those fight videos on your laptop grab your book light and find a good book to read until you fall asleep

Step 4: Say this 3 times a day morning noon and night- the power of written text compels you - the power of written text compels you - the power of written text compels you

you tube be gone Reading is power this house is clean
2015-06-23 11:18:33 UTC
You could use YouTube in other ways. Make a channel where you upload parody videos or songs. That way you can troll but it counts as entertainment instead ;) Do you like music, can you play an instrument or sing well? If you have the skills, write a song of your own and upload it.

As the others say, get other hobbies as well. What do you like besides spending time online? You also didn't mention if you're a student or go to work.
2015-06-22 02:16:10 UTC
Everyone is addicted to Youtube brother.
2015-06-19 03:19:35 UTC
Youtube at present is the best source for learning useful things. If you are addicted over youtube and watching good things and learning different things then it is actually good for you. But if your regular works lacking due to this addiction than just try to omit this addiction as soon as possible
2015-06-22 03:49:50 UTC
you must spent your time by go to the outdoors,choose a hobby,take up a sport but if you really wants to use only youtube than you must make Money with AdSense for Video,Target Your Audience with AdWords for Video,

Marketing On YouTube Will Help You Get Found On Google,Grow Your Audience Worldwide,Build Your Email List in YouTube,Your Audience Will Promote You and Buy from You and lots of things you can do with youtube.
2015-06-27 23:04:54 UTC
Addiction to anything can only be said when one's daily life events are effected by the obsessive behaviors. If you want to stop using youtube, make a list of your favorite hobbies to do in a day. Don't keep youtube in it or give a very little time to it if you think you are getting withdrawal symptoms of addiction. If you keep following the routine you are definitely going to get rid of the obsession.
2015-06-23 09:35:25 UTC
The watching youtube videos is a common addiction. If you want to stop, just trying cutting down first. As for the troll comments, just remember that everybody that sees your comment instantly hates you. If that is really what you're going for, then you should probably seek therapy.
2015-06-25 16:01:42 UTC
I used to do that, but there's you spend so much time watching tedious videos that it dulls the urge to continue. Now I've moved onto the hard stuff - yahoo answers. That really is addictive. Some of the top posters have 100,000s of comments. Stay on YouTube it's much less harmful.
2015-06-19 21:58:01 UTC
What i would do is find away to delete your YouTube account so that way you can post comments and troll anyone. But if you make YouTube videos then what I would do is find some way to take out your trolling needs in video games were you can troll other people in something where its just part of the fun instead of something that might be hurtful.
jeremy f
2015-06-21 13:18:50 UTC
Everyone is addicted to Youtube brother. Everyone is addicted (in some sense) to sex, food, sweets etc. Addiction isn't always a bad thing.
2015-06-21 13:04:32 UTC
The problem is not Youtube itself since we all go to youtube to check out videos we wan t to look up. The problem lies with in yourself of leaving troll comments. The problem you need to ask yourself is why are you leaving troll comments? It is because you get a kick out of it? You wan t to make someone upset? You want to see how someone react? Don t get me wrong looking up videos a on youtube especially if your into something can be addicting but leaving troll comments is another thing. I don t see nothing wrong of looking up videos since people have other hobbies they spend all day on which is not a problem. I would say do other things like go exercise, listen to music, hang out with friends, play videos games or other activities that doesn t involved sitting in front of a computer. I think I would back off the trolling things since at the end of day you don t know who your talking to on the other end of the computer. In this day in age the internet is a scary place so I would cut the trolling stuff out since some people take troll comments to the next level !!!
2015-06-22 23:42:25 UTC
Everyone is addicted to youtube in this world.
2015-06-22 10:45:37 UTC
I am not a Mental health expert, but it seems like you're looking for some sort of connection with other people. You seek to communicate in with others, but you are choosing a method there the communication is one-way. You should think about what makes you want to leave comments. Try engaging with other people directly, friends, colleagues, neighbors, siblings, and see if your urge to troll YouTube diminishes. The urge to interact and socialize is a powerful one, and sometimes our electronic lifestyles trick us into seeing the internet as real interaction, but it's never the same. You are trying to communicate, but you are not getting what you need out of it. Seek out people for face-to-face communication.
Broken H
2015-06-20 20:11:29 UTC
Besides the troll comment, youtube is good for many things like learning something new. There are free college courses on youtube. Maybe if you do that, you will grow up mentally, but physically growing up takes time. Every year you gain one year, until one day you gain so many and hate the growing up process.
2015-06-22 00:52:56 UTC
Nothing wrong with watching youtube videos and going on youtube daily, as long as you are doing other things with your life.
Merlynson S
2015-06-23 13:04:33 UTC
Become addicted to Yahoo Answers instead.
2015-06-21 09:41:13 UTC
Gather up your friends or family and have a day out. Join a club something that doesn't just get you out of the house but that you enjoy so you will not miss youtube
2015-06-22 09:24:09 UTC
The best way to beat any kind of addiction is to do it continuously like non stop do it 24/7 do it soooooo much that one day you will get bored of doing it trust me i have done the same thing for my gaming addiction and then just one day i got soooo bored of it that its been 6 years i have even touched my game console hope it helps
2015-06-19 12:44:27 UTC
you can not just leave youtube within a few day,you just have to decrease your addiction towards youtube slowly.Try to make a time limit on daily routine for youtube.Hope this will help you.
2015-06-20 07:32:10 UTC
It's okay, there are videos on youtube that are really addictive and educational.
Estiaqul Mojtaba
2015-06-22 11:15:55 UTC
Addiction on youtube is thousand times powerful than any kind of general addiction (mean wine, Cigarette, marijuana, cocaine) so i may say here personal meditation may support you to overcome form the situation.
2015-06-20 19:57:14 UTC
It's just a phase. When someone becomes interested in certain subjects they tend to become obsessed with YouTube for a period of time. I myself have found it entertaining screwing with people in the comments section that deserve to be screwed with. If it goes on for longer then a month or so then you should be worried.
2015-06-21 07:44:01 UTC
Well it is a habit.When you do something repeatetly habit is created.You need to not wathc youtube at time you usually do no metter what and after 90 days you wont have disiare for that cause you break a habit.
2015-06-22 09:22:49 UTC
subscribe to 1 youtuber and only watch what they post every day so like 2-3 videos a day and 3-4 troll coments a day
2015-06-21 07:02:27 UTC
I the fact I learn a lot from it plus enjoyed music films I don't see whats wrong with that,but have nice day like is today and I live near sea I wasting a day on computer I should be out in sun but ca'nt drag myself away
2015-06-22 00:00:45 UTC
Try to limit going on YouTube. So day one you go on for 2 hours. Day two you gone for 1 hour....etc. Just limit your time each day and eventually you will be"forced" to go off of youtube
2015-06-19 02:43:38 UTC
set a time limit like watch for 5 hours a day and then make it 4 hour and then 3 and 2 and 1 then you can watch for 1 or hours daily
2015-06-22 08:40:40 UTC
Youtube at present is the best source for learning useful things.
2015-06-20 23:38:40 UTC
set a time limit like watch for 5 hours a day and then make it 4 hour and then 3 and 2 and 1 then you can watch for 1 or hou
2015-06-21 23:17:04 UTC
Try to get another hobby like crafts. Read the newspaper every morning (only the headlines you are interested in). Go outside your house. Go around everywhere. Start getting in your environment. Increase your work time. Make your own schedule and stick to it. Go for a jog. Play with your pet (if you have one).
2015-06-27 16:22:27 UTC
I love YouTube for it's ability to show music videos, and other things, such as a snowstorm, recipes,
2017-03-01 04:25:34 UTC
2015-06-23 07:11:58 UTC
Not weird at all. I visit YouTube everyday and have quite a bit of subscribers.
Cheick A
2015-07-02 03:51:49 UTC
Everybody need a vice as long as it does not take over your life.......Some are addicted to running, shopping.... That is life. Just stay in control and live!
2016-03-10 01:14:47 UTC
I'm addicted to knowing how many plays my videos get.
2015-06-19 02:28:05 UTC
Sign up at a message board for something good like for learning languages or about a hobby or something. Like find a reddit page about something interesting and post there a lot. Then you can use your energy for something positive online.
2015-06-19 11:20:03 UTC
I think Youtube is not bad at all. If you use youtube as lerning media then it is best for you but, if you use youtube as entertainment media it is waste of time.
2015-06-19 12:52:27 UTC
2015-07-06 08:45:00 UTC
I'll keep this short... Assuming that you're serious and not just trolling here... Nobody can make you stop except YOU. You know what you're doing and if you really want to stop, you need to exercise some self-discipline and stop yourself, and you need to do it for your own reasons.
2015-06-19 10:26:10 UTC
I think you should start playing computer games first. Then you can stop going to that. I don't want to speak that word because it's so harmful to everyone.
2015-07-05 06:50:45 UTC
disconnect internet on your computer for 5 days and after that automatically you will get bored while watching

videos on youtube
2015-07-07 01:22:35 UTC
if you want to stop youtube then i think you can't watch other video because other site is not giving Good video and Good topic
2015-06-21 17:49:26 UTC
Watch me on YouTube :) lol

I'm addicted too. You're just awesome :)
2015-07-30 02:24:45 UTC
Try divert your mind or start doing business with youtube,..make it your profession
2015-06-20 20:27:24 UTC
YouTube is awesome
2015-06-20 18:27:28 UTC
If you waste your time playing sports joining tournoments doing something productive exercising youll forget about utube i jad the same problem butt i encouraged myself to doing something better than watching ******* playing games
2015-06-23 12:05:42 UTC
Improve yourself and try to produce higher quality of any product you might have had made before, like drawing or writing.
2015-06-19 02:27:58 UTC
Pretend your comment is someone else's that they put on your video. Pretend every troll you see is your worst enemy and you HAVE to correct them on what they have done wrong. Something else other than getting rid of trolls is working on my grammar skills, punctuation skills, and giving long, detailed answers to give me something else to do.
2015-06-20 09:45:58 UTC
Alter your entertainment to other sites. If you can't log your account out to avoid commenting. Also try to avoid reading other comments.
2015-06-20 00:59:08 UTC
Well. Eventually you will get bored of it. Which eventually leads you to find something thats actually worth your time. Just wait and you'll get bored. Everybody gets bored of something.
2015-06-23 10:00:31 UTC
Do others things go to garden walk outside invite or go with it friend go other websites see it work clean it room
2015-06-19 22:53:43 UTC
It is very bad addiction.So first create time limit to watch you tube.Leave you tube and busy with some other websites.
2015-06-22 21:41:49 UTC
2015-06-22 14:08:51 UTC
Youtube can be a job. If you really consider this option, maybe you will be one of the happiest people, who loves their job. You can really earn money..
So I
2015-06-19 19:05:39 UTC
You're not alone, my friend. Trolling is just so much fun its hard to stop. But you can do it. Try to just leave generic comment first.
2015-06-25 22:20:13 UTC
if you are interested in youtube,keep putting someful videos for premium in that you no neesd to stop at the same time you can also grow.

for more reference you can view link
2015-06-29 01:32:07 UTC
Do not let this addiction become worse!
2015-06-21 18:36:56 UTC
Nice hobby
2015-06-22 14:31:10 UTC
Go here to trolls hang out below
2015-06-21 15:36:47 UTC
Read a book, go hangout with some friends.
2015-06-19 17:03:10 UTC
oh wow...I actually have the same problem. I need to find ways to reduce the addiction as well.
2015-06-30 05:01:00 UTC
addiction is very bad and you should always avoid it. and you should cut your net connection for one month and you will see results
2015-06-22 19:19:25 UTC
nothing wrong,it is normal.may be you can do more on youtube,as Professional commentators??
2015-06-22 01:58:54 UTC
if u see more than 30 videos a day

2015-06-21 20:00:39 UTC
try to spend less and lesss time on youtube.
2015-06-19 10:56:37 UTC
just go to ur bathroom and sh!t all day with your heart's content,never get out and you will have succesfully bailed out of internet usage....try it man,the smell should really be great.....whats the colour by the way???(your router....not your sh!t)
2015-06-22 10:03:28 UTC
Shock yourself every time you watch a video.
2015-06-22 18:02:32 UTC

Look man... I never do this, this is getting crazy, here's my number, so call me maybe.
2015-06-26 15:26:39 UTC
Hin Long
2015-06-22 22:59:30 UTC
Most people are
2015-06-20 08:19:26 UTC
Your a shallow punk bastard that lacks integrity. So just stop being a shallow punk bastard that lacks integrity.
2015-06-29 04:54:19 UTC
if you are really concern about it then you should remove your interner connection for one month. Try it and watch the result.
2015-06-21 11:22:09 UTC
Set daily goals for yourself and try to liveup to it.
2015-06-20 07:39:16 UTC
Drink instead
2015-06-20 01:26:17 UTC
get a life
2015-06-20 21:30:39 UTC
there nothing wrong with youtube but your trolling is the wrong thing !
2015-06-21 15:28:27 UTC
It's okay,
2015-06-20 14:20:07 UTC
addicted to watching video ??? wtf srsly. adicted to leaving troll coments bro srsly go kill your self if you cant stop with that. 0 respect for this tread. that is just stupid what you are doing not childish its jsut stupid maybe you are sick or retarded idk. btw is this smth like your coments on yt if yes just look how does it fell and think twice abouth it next time.
2015-06-22 07:30:18 UTC
Well it could be worse, you could be addicted to heroin *sniff sniff*
Dante Escalante
2015-06-22 16:14:16 UTC
Simple don't use your laptop/computer.
2015-06-20 23:55:46 UTC
Do some exercise
2015-06-19 13:13:55 UTC
2015-06-19 16:39:33 UTC
Don't go on it
2015-06-29 00:40:31 UTC
Hello Youtube ADDICTED please click my source link . I hope it will help you.
2015-06-22 14:34:45 UTC
find something else to do, videogames, work whatever, you need to occupy your time with something that is better for you
Wee Trojan
2015-06-21 06:04:05 UTC
cut back - everything in moderation is a good maxim.
2015-06-20 16:44:53 UTC
is bad read a book
2015-06-21 14:51:35 UTC
what happenw3ed to hot horney sexy young housewuifes and yung milfsthatr love to **** and suck big ***** all day long?????
2015-06-22 03:52:30 UTC
Everbody is
2015-06-19 02:27:14 UTC
Oh brave anonymous poster, "please don't just tell me..." So what do you expect us to do?

You need to tackle root cause, not the symptom.
2015-06-23 08:33:47 UTC
youtube check out

2015-06-19 19:14:31 UTC
Same problem here.
2015-06-19 02:27:42 UTC
Just do you and have fun
2015-06-19 20:24:46 UTC
Screw you SUCKA! Mehehehehe! Uh I mean....... I feel your pain.
2015-06-19 03:39:30 UTC
...just don't go on youtube...
2015-06-29 14:51:51 UTC
I am also on you tube a lot.
2015-06-19 13:02:13 UTC
2015-06-20 15:52:54 UTC
Just quit it.
2015-06-21 00:51:09 UTC
keep busy with any others thing that you are interested...
2015-06-20 15:00:30 UTC
C-MSpike.... subscribe
2015-06-20 05:57:30 UTC
do not tack mobile or laptop
2015-06-20 07:16:10 UTC
2015-06-19 06:47:19 UTC
get off the computer altogether
2015-06-21 05:54:03 UTC
limit yourself
2015-07-02 17:35:23 UTC
dont watch it
2015-06-28 00:08:03 UTC
Probably so.
2015-06-21 14:02:46 UTC
2015-06-20 11:32:05 UTC
depends how many you use it?
2015-06-19 18:23:21 UTC
vary good.
2015-06-19 03:21:19 UTC
try this
2015-06-23 19:26:33 UTC
i am too
2015-06-19 16:06:59 UTC
Me too!!!!
2015-06-23 07:08:44 UTC
well try porn
2015-06-21 09:48:20 UTC
So please watch my video

Watch it?Active subtitles!
2015-06-19 13:04:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.