If you’re using Windows Movie Maker, there
is the possibility that you mistakenly saved
your vid as a "MSWMM" with "Save Project".
You should really save your video as a "AVI"
or "WMV" using "Save Movie File" (Win XP)
or "Publish Movie" (Vista).
There is a ton of difference between the first
example and the other 2. MSWMM is not a
true video, but really a "work-in-progress". If
you'd like to upload a video to YouTube that
won't give you the dreaded "Failed" or "error"
message, simply do one of the 2 alternative
methods above, or consider the following as
the ideal way to save and upload your video:
1 -- click the blue "Tasks" icon.....(you'll get the "Movie Tasks" menu)
2 -- click "Finish Movie", the 3rd option.....(it will expand to 5 choices)
3 -- click "Save to my Computer"....(the "Save Movie" wizard appears)
4 -- enter the name of your movie....(it is best to save in "My Videos")
5 -- click "Next" at the bottom.....(you'll see the "Movie Setting" page)
6a -- for regular video, click "Best quality for playback".....(the default)
6b -- for 16:9, click "Show more choices", then tweak it until 640x360
7 -- click "Next" at the bottom.....(the saving might take quite a while)
8 -- click "Finish" at the bottom.....(your video is saved the good way)
YouTube recommends your video format be
MPEG-4 at 480x360 recorded together with
sound in MP3 audio, all at a rate more than
24 frames per second. Other files which are
accepted include AVI, MPG, MOV & WMV
(which is Windows Movie Maker).
Here are my relevant "Help" references with
their URL addresses completely written-out
in full, followed by their direct links:
Differences between "projects" and "movies"
windows help . microsoft . com / Windows / en - US / Help / 4cad 2674 - 4d43 - 4751 -
9b0d - 3ba8 febd a8d6 1033 . mspx
How to save your video if you've got Win XP
www . microsoft . com / windows xp / using / movie maker / create / save to pc . mspx
How to save your video with Windows Vista
windows help . microsoft . com / Windows / en - US / help / 4ea4 b6cd - 0cfe - 4d02 -
8122 - 16c2 8828 cdf2 1033 . mspx # EJ
YouTube's ideal video format / compression
www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en & answer = 91450
I hope my answer is what you're looking for.
YouTube's conversion tool recommendation
www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en & answer = 55744
If everything seems fine but your vid refuses
to be accepted by YouTube, there might be
something that's stuck in either your cache
or your cookies. Just do the following. Then
shutdown/reboot and try again:
Internet Explorer 6:
→ Tools → Internet Options
→ Delete Cookies → OK
→ Delete Files → OK
→ Clear History → Yes
→ OK
Internet Explorer 7:
→ Tools → Internet Options → Delete...
→ Delete files → Yes
→ Delete cookies → OK
→ Delete history → OK
→ Close (browsing history window)
→ OK
Mozilla Firefox
→ Tools → Clear Private Data
[x] Browsing History
[x] Download History
[x] Saved Form and Search History
[x] Cache
[x] Cookies
→ Clear Private Data Now
www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en & answer = 56120