Posting a link on yahoo answers will only get you so far. By the looks of it, it might get your one or two views. But there are way better ways to boost your view count.
You should try to be really good with tags. I mean, dont just put in "fireworks, explosion" if your video is about fireworks. Try to use all types of things, like "fireworks, Explosion, colorful, pattern, night, time, dark fire, launch, sparks" stuff like that.
And it would also help to have a great title. Something like "Fourth of July Fireworks" probaly wont rack in alot of views. Something like "Fireworks are pretty..." would probaly get more, but not as many as "I LIGHT THINGS ON FIRE!" Just make sure not to lie to your viewers, but if you really do lit the fireworks off, that would be an appropriate title.
Another great thing to do it to have a great thumbnail. I disagree throughly with people who put something like a women with her shirt almost off as the thumbnail, because most of the time that has nothing to do with the video. Most of the time they just times it there so it would flash for a second, then continue on with the video. What YOU should do is if your video is about fireworks, and you names it "I LIGHT THINGS ON FIRE!" then maybe the middle frame should be you with a lighter on next to your face. Something to get viewers to go "ot oh, what is that guy going to do?" Just make sure that that lighter part is legitinmetly about your video.
One of the best things to do is to make your video a response to a very popular video, or to a new video that might not have alot of views yet, but their subscriber count is high.
For example, if you make a video talking about some bizzare news story, and sXephil, A popular youtuber, mentions the same story in his video, make it a video response to it. With a good thumbnail, it should rack in the viewers. Or if your video is a video about how to do something, like make something, or a trick on the computer, make your video a repsonse to one of householdhacker new video.
If you do want to have an extra boost in your video veiws, you could use an atuo refrsher. mind you, THIS IS AGAINST THE YOUTUBE RULES. if youtube catches you, you could get suspened or even banned. to download a atuop refresher, click here:
There is a quick and easy way to get more channel views though, and this IS legal, it is for now anyways. they might soon change that. but you can download a channel refrsher if you want. to learn more about it, watch this video:
It also helps to have external links from youtube. That means having alink to your page, from a different site. If you participate in a forum, you want to include your youtube link in your username. Or maybe in the signature of your e-mail. Everytime you can post it without whoring yourself, DO IT