I used to have AOL 9.1 which ran youtube perfectly. I have recently updated to AOL 9.7 and youtube won't let me do certain things now. You know how there are three screen sizes to choose on youtube for the videos? (normal, large, full screen) On AOL 9.7, youtube does not give me these options. It instead has a little bar under the video where you can choose screen size that only gives me the option to make it full screen. The videos appear in normal size but there is no medium size to choose. Instead there is the youtube icon that says "watch on youtube" I clicked it but recieved the same result. I would like to know what the problem is. I could get all three screen size options using AOL 9.1, but I can't now with 9.7. I already tested if it was youtube or not. It isn't. Internet Explorer gives me all the size options, so what's the problem?