General Upload Questions: How to upload
Once you've finished editing your video, made sure it's less than 10 minutes, smaller than 100MB and is in an acceptable format, you're ready to upload it.
Click the "Upload" button in the upper right-hand corner of any YouTube page.
Enter as much information about your video as possible, including Title, Description, Tags and Category. The more information you include, the easier it is for users to find your video!
Determine if you want your video set to Public or Private.
Click the "Upload a Video..." button.
In the next window, click the "Browse" button to browse for the video file. Select the file you want to upload.
Click the "Upload Video" button.
It can take from a couple of minutes to an hour for your video to upload to YouTube.
If you receive an error message when uploading, you should ensure that you're attempting to upload a file type that's recognised by YouTube. YouTube accepts video files from most digital cameras, camcorders and mobile phones in the .AVI, .MOV, .WMV and .MPG file formats.