Very easy for u with E.M. Youtube video download tool.
It works very well and easy to use.
(1)Install and run E.M. Youtube Video Download Tool.
(2)Play the video on the webpage.
when the video start to play , it will be sniffed and downloaded automatically.
(1)It can search any flash video from many websites at the same time ;
(2)Download youtube video fastly and easily;
(3)Convert flv video to any audio include MP3, wma,wav,ac3,mmf,amr,ogg,aac..., to any video formats include 3gp,avi,wmv, mpg,mpg4,asf,swf,h264,mov,jpg, that can be support by PSP,iPod,iPhone,Apple TV video,iTune,MP3,MP4,Zune,Cellphone,Digit... camera,DV,CD/DVD/VCD/SVCD.
(4)Burn flv video to CD/VCD/SVCD/DVD disc easily and fastly;
(5)It still can repiar and capture RTMP video streams.
(6)Total video player that can play any video or audio.