Hatred. Such a waste of life-force.
Of course there is garbage on YouTube. But there is also a lot of good stuff on YouTube.
Why would you condemn YouTube in its entirety just because there is some garbage on it? (Throwing the baby out with the bath water.) It's counterproductive to condemn a tool just because some folks misuse it. It's not YouTube's fault (or the fault of its administrators) just because some folks produce garbage and post it there.
It's similar to condemning a race or tribe of people (or a nation) because of the actions of some of its less honorable people (even if those people are running its government).
If you don't like some of the garbage on YouTube, don't look at it. Produce and post videos that drag people away from what you consider to be garbage. You can change the world. You should get off your duff and do things that make YouTube better, rather than condemning people who produce what you consider to be garbage videos (they at least had the energy to make and post videos).
If you think certain videos are stupid, post videos expressing your counterviews.
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This is not meant to be a condemnation of YOU. I agree with you that there is a lot of drivel and rot on YouTube. But rather than get hateful about it, I simply don't watch the drivel and rot (except as necessary to keep tabs on where the "society" is headed thoughtwise, behaviorwise, and culturewise).
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In the same vein ( https://www.google.com/#q=define:vein, definition #3 ) as your assertions about YouTube, one could also condemn Yahoo! Answers, or the Internet, or humankind in general. One could make the argument that Earth is garbage and should be destroyed. But that seems like an aweful waste of energy and a sad end to a generally GOOD thing.