does anyone hate youtube?
2016-02-10 21:13:25 UTC
i despise it- why is there this shitty medium for all the losers of the planet to advertise their loser selves. it's disgusting. youtube is the bane of evil- people are idiots. Youtube is full of everyday retards nobodies losers uglies and morons posting their pos videos and opinions. most sound like retards. every loser wants to be famous and its disturbing. it might be good for music videos and getting info although its gone overboard. I wish it would disappear
114 answers:
2016-02-12 14:30:12 UTC
I totally agree with you. You tube is bad. But I think the responses here can show you how bad society has gotten. Youtube is a waste of time money and life
2016-02-18 23:37:41 UTC
Shut up you stupid loser! If you hate YouTube so much, why don't you stop watching it! Without YouTube my life wouldn't be as Great, all my friends compliment me in school and encourage me to do more YouTube, I have a lot of friends now in school because of my channel. All my friends talk about my YouTube channel and YouTube helped me become a better person. I don't know what I would do without YouTube. YouTube is the most inspiring website on the internet. YouTube helped me discover my talent and hobbie. You should be ashamed of yourself and to all of those who hate YouTube. You have to try watching different videos, you can't let yourself misjudge it, because that can change a lot of things in the future and prevent a lot from happening. So make sure your not misjudging it.
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-13 07:43:07 UTC
In every stinking cesspool, there ARE the precious gems we covet and value.

That's my impression of YouTube: RIFE with amateur video "crapage", rip off scams and hoaxed UFO, Loch Ness and/or Bigfoot sighting stuff in that infinite YouTube cesspool. However, I do find many of the hoaxing efforts by these hobbyist videomakers to be quite impressive; I think they seek out to impress the current big names in Hollywood film special effects; nonetheless, I DO NOT condone what these kids do.

But if you look hard enough, you'll find some very helpful videos ( many that still need some polished production work ) on many topics.

I benefitted from FREE YouTube guitar lesson videos--and now can play a guitar.

I don't insomuch "hate" YouTube, as I'm VERY CAUTIOUS when I look around there.
2016-02-14 12:56:45 UTC
It's depend on what you watch on YouTube. For example, some people go on YouTube and watch "bad" stuff so they lied their age. On the other hand, what happen if you just bought an item on online with no instructions on how to use it!? You could go in YouTube and find the instruction! Basically, YouTube is really helpful, but also very bad at the same time.
2016-02-13 17:27:11 UTC
My friend I strongly agree with most of what you have said except actually banning it. It pees me of big time seeing absolute trash like PewDiePie with some 50 million subscribers and Gangnam Style with 2B views and worse a lot of indecent, violent and sexual content.. Even child abuse and animal abuse and worst of all torture on there that they refuse to take down. And I feel I HATE it when I get forced to watch some trailer for a horror movie I'd never dream of. But banned? Na. It's just a platform like the rest of the Internet full of beautiful things as well like education knowledgable videos, how tos, cute cat videos and funny videos and devotional videos and music! I think there should be many huuuuge changes but not banning. Because this way we have a lot more control and choice over what we want to watch.. Whereas in the padt with TV that's not the case
2016-02-12 17:30:37 UTC
You're experiencing what scientists like to call "Saltiness." Your narcissistic personality stems from your own insecurities. I'm not going to troll any further and drive you deeper into mental imbalances. No offense, but you seem mentally ill, which is something I actually have experience with. I am autistic, my mom is autistic and my dad is a Narcissist. People might not think of narcissism as a serious mental illness, but it is and my dad suffers from Parkinson's now, despite never being in a fight. Maybe you're just angry that people are sexy as hell and have awesome lives- So why don't you become sexy as hell and live an awesome live. Unless you're limited by illness or genetics, anything you see another human doing is possible. Try to stay positive.
2016-02-12 14:57:26 UTC
so yeah, all the dipshits online like youtube, it's because they live online. Most normal people don't

live on there like these trolls. Youtube is totally stupid and LOTS of people agree with that. I hate it

and will never ******* make a youtube video or put myself out there for all these trolls to watch

Everything you say is true
2016-02-14 11:32:46 UTC
I can see where you're going, but otherwise, I like YouTube only for music and whenver I want amusement once in a while, but yes, I totally agree, some YouTubers and people in the comments section below can be pretty dumb.
Quantum Leap
2016-02-15 21:11:14 UTC
I hate Youtube because of that Ads.
2016-02-14 02:58:36 UTC
All media is used for propaganda everyone knows that. The human mind is weak, we believe what we are told from very early on in life and pretty much programmed to believe in a system or society. However, if you are aware of it then it has no effect on your life. For example YouTube may be a tool for Satan as you say, but YouTube is not all bad. You can find inspiration and knowledge also ... Intelligence is the key!
2016-02-18 09:00:34 UTC
YouTube is both good and bad. Yes, there's a heck of a lot of awful stuff on there, but look hard enough and you can find amazing things. Science experiments, educational resources, and so much original music and art. Animation, experimentation and a lot more. Its not all bad.
2016-02-11 17:41:53 UTC
Hatred. Such a waste of life-force.

Of course there is garbage on YouTube. But there is also a lot of good stuff on YouTube.

Why would you condemn YouTube in its entirety just because there is some garbage on it? (Throwing the baby out with the bath water.) It's counterproductive to condemn a tool just because some folks misuse it. It's not YouTube's fault (or the fault of its administrators) just because some folks produce garbage and post it there.

It's similar to condemning a race or tribe of people (or a nation) because of the actions of some of its less honorable people (even if those people are running its government).

If you don't like some of the garbage on YouTube, don't look at it. Produce and post videos that drag people away from what you consider to be garbage. You can change the world. You should get off your duff and do things that make YouTube better, rather than condemning people who produce what you consider to be garbage videos (they at least had the energy to make and post videos).

If you think certain videos are stupid, post videos expressing your counterviews.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

This is not meant to be a condemnation of YOU. I agree with you that there is a lot of drivel and rot on YouTube. But rather than get hateful about it, I simply don't watch the drivel and rot (except as necessary to keep tabs on where the "society" is headed thoughtwise, behaviorwise, and culturewise).

= = = = = = = = = = = =

In the same vein (, definition #3 ) as your assertions about YouTube, one could also condemn Yahoo! Answers, or the Internet, or humankind in general. One could make the argument that Earth is garbage and should be destroyed. But that seems like an aweful waste of energy and a sad end to a generally GOOD thing.
2016-02-12 14:13:21 UTC
youtube is the dumbest thing to be created, and represents the evil that society is today and heading towards. It allows others to witness the lives of countless losers out there posting their unimportant and moronic opinions-esp all the losers. the people that support youtube are braindead brainwashed sheep as you can tell by the answers here. it gives LOSERS a venue to promote their LOSER selves to the world. it's a disgusting medium, used by losers and sheep FOR losers and sheep. everyone thinks they're 'great' but they're all idiots. Youtube is narcissism reveled. youtube is a venue for degenerates to promote their lame selves. You dont find successful people on youtube you find garbage and losers..You have rejects doing stupid things who are famous on 'youtube' is filth and disgusting as hell.

Nothing can be more disgusting than youtube other than facebook, twitter..the sheep will keep playing in satan's playbox because they're idiots with no working brains who are in the gutter and in the theres a video of some stupid female, making a ******* smoothie and doing jumping jacks and people are!! you're so cool!! omg!! ******* freaks everywhere...its disgusting mindless drivel idiots..

people who have self worth and pride dont like youtube, or educated people or intelligent people. Youtube is for low class idiots who need an underground ghetto to promote their filthy useless disgusting nasty dont find quality people on youtube you find garbage
2016-02-16 09:26:32 UTC
No one hates youtube!
2016-02-12 11:04:55 UTC
Somewhat, I don't like watching other peoples videos because I have no interest in it. I love youtube only for the free music. If there was no music, I would have probably never even visited the site.
2016-02-15 21:36:53 UTC
Yes, I am agree with you but youtube is also useful for we can get any thing what we want and here we can get study material that you will never find out any other place. if you are saying that youtube has porn video, mms, scam then i will say why you searched them. If you are not liking them then why you search them.and the biggest thing is we can also earn money from you tube.
2016-02-15 10:38:52 UTC
Almost all mechanisms carry the two effects bad and good, it's depended on the users. In some cases, youtube has a tremendous advancement in the modern communication.
2016-02-15 00:54:40 UTC
i dont hate youtube because by using youtube we can learn different things and see some interested video's
2016-02-11 13:14:11 UTC
No I am not hate YouTube...because I love YouTube channel..heres all of video what's we need every I like and love YouTube.
Master Of Puppets
2016-02-10 21:16:16 UTC
Hopefully you realize that most of what you said isn't true. It's showing your hatred of it.

I don't think that pilots sharing their experiences, tips, and knowledge are "retarded" "losers"(they're probably making more than you)

Or someone taking their time to explain math concepts to others for free.

Yes, there are people on YouTube who do ridiculous, questionable things, I'm not denying that.

And no, I don't hate YouTube.

You're probably a troll, or you tried to "make it" in YouTube and failed.
2016-02-10 21:35:25 UTC
YouTube is like going to a bar get meat girls

if you don't like the girls there go to another bar

on youtube it's just look for different things
2016-02-12 17:02:45 UTC
I LOVE YOUTUBE! Check out Andrew Lowe on youtube and you will regret everything you said. There's music and funny videos on youtube, I get how some stuff are worthless, but some people make their jobs off youtube, it saved alot of people !
2016-02-13 19:09:09 UTC
Anyone that likes film should like youtube, I like it and I just consider it a huge collection of short stories.
2016-02-12 13:55:42 UTC
OMG, Look at what you've written. It is filled with nasty thoughts backed with strong hatred emotions to back your nasty thoughts. Have you ever considered NOT visiting the site? I personally go to youtube to learn new things. I have learned how to design, build and maintain a website. I have learned SEO, CSS and Wordpress through tutorials on YouTube.

You are not saying you hate YouTube, you are saying you hate yourself and hate your life and choosing to blame YouTube. Please whatever you do, get some help before you hurt somebody.
2016-02-16 05:50:31 UTC
Everything has dark side its self. Depending on how you use it.

Someone failed the exam because they watch too much movies on YouTube

In the sametime someone get highest score it's just because of the watched the online lecture before exam.

Opportunities are in your hand now.

2016-02-13 06:43:12 UTC
When I am interviewing f a job, Imuse Yourtube to watch videos about the company, its products, and what people think about them. Yourtube is God-send.

I use Youtube for entertainment, especially to listen to artists from my childhood.
2016-02-11 13:07:31 UTC
AH! and the trolls are out in force with their hate mongering BS.

As I've told people who complained about various TV shows and movies over the years: There are controls and things that you can do so that YOU don't have to see it. If it's a computer item, don't go to that website. DUH! If it's a TV program, that's what TV channel selectors are for and Movies? Don't go and you can save your money.

It is a VERY stupid person who thinks that their personal likes and dislikes should rule the world.
2016-02-11 20:03:43 UTC
YouTube is an excellent site for the wide variation of videos uploaded to it. It's the largest video sharing site so far. I've gained quite a bit of knowledge and found loads and loads of good music and nice vids on the site. I've even made some great friends on the site. I don't get on here nearly as much as I visit YouTube, but as far as I can tell, Yahoo Answers seems to be filled with more troll/moron posters and hostility than my opinion of what I've seen on YouTube throughout the years so far (you being one of the countless trolls/morons/hostiles on here).
2016-02-12 10:04:58 UTC
No, making YouTube vidoes as a filmmaker paid for a new computer and camera, now I can realistically pursue my dreams with this gear, shooting music videos, commercials, public service announcements, and it all started with YouTube, and because of visual effects and filmmaking tutorials I've made, I can inspire and give others the skill to get that start too.
2016-02-13 22:36:01 UTC
Personally i learn so many things from youtube but currently some people uploading videos with unnecessary content. Someone using it to increase the violation of the society. Please request to all do only what is good for all.
2016-02-12 18:20:52 UTC
I think youtube is good for learning purposes and you can watch any type of videos to learn every thing.
2016-02-12 03:38:47 UTC
No, Why should anyone hate youtube. It is a great form to learn, entertain
2016-02-12 01:20:28 UTC
"Its for mindless drones like the idiots here..." Then why are you using Y!A if you think we're mindless drones? I do agree YouTube has become just another money-grubbing corporation and have some terrible copyright infringement rules and don't adhere to their own community guidelines, but what is more annoying than YouTube is those that post mindless rants about it. As the old saying goes, if you don't like it, don't use it, but don't expect others to stop using it just because YOU say it's bad.
2016-02-12 03:43:01 UTC
We do note hate YouTube that is most powerful social networking site in the world.
2016-02-12 04:04:46 UTC
If you don't like YouTube, steer clear from it. Don't vent. To be honest with you, the majority of us here watch YouTube just to be entertained, and often times listen to good music. And like Dean said, it's such a waste of life force. We don't necessarily watch 'stupid' videos. The ones with over a million views are actually interesting and/or can satisfy our mere curiosity. Unless if the video had bullshit content in it and was just made in order to get a ton of views and likes.
2016-02-11 08:17:36 UTC
I have learned how to do a lot of stuff from watching people share their do-it yourself knowledge. You must have gotten out of the on the wrong side of the bed this morning, Bubba! There's a lot of good material on YouTube. When I was helping my neighbor next door remodel her kitchen, I watched YouTube on how to properly set dowels for remaking some of her cabinets. There's an old guy on YouTube showing how to make a home made jig for drilling the dowel holes. His video helped us get all of her cabinets resized and pur back together. And now I have this cool homemade tool for doing more dowels in the future!

When it came to doing the drywall, I watched several different videos on how to do edges, inside corners, and new dry wall up against existing drywall. Very valuable stuff. All from people taking the time to share their experience and all for FREE. There is a ton of education on YouTube that makes it a great place for people to share what they know!

So go out outside of your box and get a life! YouTube is staying, if I can ever help make it happen!

Recently I learned how to save my Crepe Myrtle trees from previous "Crepe Murder" trimmings. Now I hope to have beautiful looking trees again after using the methods on how to trim them. Not some arthritic looking things of the past!

I have been learning how to take care of my Hydrangeas and how to make them blue again. All from cool people sharing their knowledge! I mean where else can people find out how to do stuff in and outside of their home without this valuable media of sharing! Awesome people sharing their awesome stuff!

Dude you gotta stop looking at the junk and start looking at the cool stuff!
2016-02-12 13:33:36 UTC
I like YouTube because it has a lot of videos on science which is educative
2016-02-15 07:25:05 UTC
If you're so sure of yourself that you dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as an idiotic 12 year old mindless drone, why are you on Yahoo Answers?
2016-02-11 09:44:41 UTC
Why would you hate youtube? You can learn a lot from it. If you don't understand what your lecturer said, just go to youtube.

By the way to annoy even further here is my latest video, kpow!!!
2016-02-13 09:11:19 UTC
Oh look, a self inflated "Christian." Everyone else is terrible, but the "Christian" is enlightened and all knowing.


I actually produce Photoshop Tutorials and Computer guidance videos on YouTube.

Your sanctimonious assessment is invalid.
2016-02-12 15:27:29 UTC
I only watch it when I need to know how to do something (install a cable thing) or re-watch a favorite old show. Anything in excess can be bad for people. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
2016-02-12 19:34:34 UTC
YouTube is only for those with no life

All social media sites are bad

Remember "Only twits tweet"
2016-02-12 18:13:13 UTC
Sorry, but I love YouTube. There is a lot of GOOD material if you search for it.
2016-02-13 13:13:24 UTC
No. Youtube is great
2016-02-11 07:12:47 UTC
I don't think that anyone hate YouTube except you...
2016-02-13 20:24:57 UTC
YouTube is best
2016-02-16 11:31:18 UTC
I enjoy Youtube but it sort of ruins my classmates. All they talk about is videos and always say things from videos which make them look like idiots, for example they're like "JOHN CENA!" and "What are those?!".
Abdur Rahim
2016-02-11 12:03:59 UTC
No everybody likes youtube
2016-02-11 06:34:49 UTC
Nope, YouTube is a great way for learning. I like it.
2016-02-12 02:15:50 UTC
yes there are many people who hates youtube but i like this site
2016-02-18 23:38:56 UTC
It all depends on what videos you watch. There are a lot of crappy videos on YouTube, but there are also a lot of awesome videos.
2016-02-16 06:17:55 UTC
2016-02-10 21:29:26 UTC
You just ruined your own augment by saying that your mad at them for sharing their opinion... When what are you doing right now?? And if you hate it so much nobody's forcing you to watch it So you should just keep your retard opinion to yourself and go die in a hole

Have a nice day
2016-02-16 03:22:07 UTC
sometimes I hate YouTube....
2016-02-11 23:32:17 UTC
No , I love watching YouTubers.
2016-02-12 20:03:35 UTC
i agree with you guys, im scare to open youtube it looks bad today. children get a root to on wrong way
2016-02-11 03:27:14 UTC
I think the OP is referring to Facebook, not YouTube.
2016-02-12 11:49:40 UTC
No You tube is entertaining I enjoy watching the videos on there on how to build PC's (Cary Holzman) reviews from people who've bought products I'm thinking and videos that help solve problems.

I like it more than TV hardly watch it.
2016-02-13 03:08:26 UTC
i love youtube
2016-02-15 01:45:48 UTC
I think most people would agree the Ads in place of the videos you want to see are the real issue. Tey are getting longer and longer and tackier.
2016-02-11 03:21:42 UTC
No and never ,It is second largest search engine after google. and most important thing is i gave good earning to youtubers like me.
2016-02-10 21:42:07 UTC
That's quite a rant. No one's forcing you to watch it.
2016-02-19 04:15:03 UTC
no, youtube is good still, but it used to be better.
2016-05-16 04:43:39 UTC
ya youtube is wast of time money and life also..
2016-02-18 12:39:40 UTC
They don't give enough support for new contant makers who bring something intresting and usefull, I have channel about code programming it is only 70 viewers...
2016-02-14 20:18:53 UTC
yah I hate youtube because it doesn't allow to post naked video..I mean can u believe it?
2016-02-12 08:24:06 UTC
every matter have two site its good side or bad side. there are some good or bad side youtube have. but realy its very usefull to me so i love youtube
2016-02-13 13:10:02 UTC
Of course not.

Plus there is good stuff on YT and if you can't see that then you're dumb.
2016-02-11 01:32:19 UTC
My pet hate are idiots who launch a scathing attack on a website knowing that all they have to do is not visit it again.
Grumpy Mac
2016-02-11 07:34:15 UTC
Don't hold back. Share your feelings with the group.
2016-02-12 05:31:56 UTC
Someone's a bit crazy
2016-02-12 14:50:39 UTC
I hate it and I don't even know what it is.
2016-02-19 09:57:33 UTC
Shut up
2016-02-11 03:46:39 UTC
Just using it
2016-02-12 08:31:39 UTC
i use to like it wen I was little (early 2000s) but now I only use it to listen to music
2016-02-11 09:57:30 UTC
I think some one hate this.
2016-02-16 10:21:00 UTC
woah bro, slow ur roll. no need to be a hater okay?! let me tell u something, u should not be allowed to call YTers or people who like and watch YT "losers", "retards", "uglies", "morons." Grow up. U gonna call the hot makeup people "ugly", and the people making "how-to" vids "retards", and the gamer YTers who give tips and stuff for games they play "losers" and "morons." freakin grow up man. i don't care if you like or don't like something, thats your opinion. but to then make rude remarks about the other people who do like it is messed up. thats called bullying. stop being a bully and grow up. you act like a bloody child when you act like that. i respect your opinion that u don't like YT but don't go off and act like a jerk to other people who do like YouTube.
2016-02-13 04:38:51 UTC
youtube should be your best friend, its mine
Abhijeet Bhaware
2016-02-12 00:35:58 UTC
Yup...only because of those bloody advertisements which don't have the skip option!
2016-02-12 20:48:19 UTC
Facebook is worse
2016-02-12 09:25:13 UTC
2016-02-11 07:57:01 UTC
No and never ,It is second largest search engine after google.
2016-02-11 04:26:15 UTC
2016-02-12 01:30:42 UTC
No, it is really helpful to promote my website videos.I love it.
2016-02-14 05:34:26 UTC
2016-02-11 10:43:02 UTC
2016-02-12 16:14:16 UTC
You can either not watch it or watch the things you can relate to...simple.
2016-02-13 02:45:39 UTC
You decide use or not. If you think is wasting time do not use it.
2016-02-14 13:56:57 UTC
Just the ads
2016-02-17 16:19:01 UTC
I think you tube is alright.
2016-02-13 03:06:25 UTC
no im not hate
2016-02-16 17:35:46 UTC
i hate ads also, but i watch it on the ROKU.
2016-02-11 13:25:28 UTC
awww whats the matter? nobody want to play with you?
2016-02-12 02:08:49 UTC
I love it!
2016-02-16 06:23:36 UTC
I'm afraid the only loser is you.
2016-02-13 22:37:31 UTC
I do, a lot actually!
2016-02-12 08:15:15 UTC
2016-02-12 14:39:15 UTC
2016-02-11 19:16:27 UTC
2016-02-12 14:14:24 UTC
yes. but not me
2016-02-11 11:32:37 UTC
2016-02-15 00:59:47 UTC
Someone would be
2016-02-11 15:07:34 UTC
"tool of satan" the only tool here is you, you godworshipping freak!
2016-02-11 15:23:35 UTC
2016-02-11 09:10:16 UTC
What is wrong with you?
2016-02-14 00:38:17 UTC
2016-02-11 14:16:25 UTC
No. not at all.
2016-02-14 09:57:07 UTC
it is
2016-02-13 13:04:57 UTC
2016-02-12 23:26:48 UTC
2016-02-13 14:57:33 UTC
2016-02-11 23:47:13 UTC
2016-02-12 13:55:04 UTC
2016-02-12 11:12:52 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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